Favorite Christmas Memories
The big day is finally here. Christmas. The lights, the food, the fun and the togetherness with family, friends and loved ones are some of what makes this time of the year so special.
Christmas has always been a fun time and each one was enjoyable in its own special way.
My most favorite memory of all was the Christmas of 1996, when my oldest daughter Wendy was only six months old. It was Christmas morning and Wendy was the only small child in the home where we were staying. The others were still asleep but Wendy was awake. I was holding her telling her the story of Santa and that he had left her toys when suddenly she looked at me and said her first words – Dah Dah. For me that was the only gift I needed that particular year and it still holds the number one spot of all.
There have been many others over the years. When I was about eight Santa brought me Rock’em Sock’em Robots. Any young boy in the 1970’s would tell you there was nothing more fun than knocking the head off of a robot over and over again. I got to play with them for probably two weeks and made the mistake of leaving them in the middle of the living room floor one night. Later, my brother Rex and a friend came in and didn’t bother turning on the light and his friend stepped on them. No amount of glue could make them work right and eventually I gave up, totally distraught.
When my daughters were little I would tell them that story when they would leave their toys out, trying my best to teach them the importance of putting things away. When Wendy was about 12 and Aurora was about six, I guess they finally got tired of hearing the story because one Christmas the girls gave me Rock’em Sock’em Robots, but I swear the robots and their controllers were a lot smaller now than they were before.
There were many other fun gifts over the years, one of which won me first prize in a contest years later as the worst Christmas gift ever. When I was in college and was living in a small apartment I got given an entire case of dishwashing detergent, the powder kind. Funny thing was I didn’t even have a dishwasher in my apartment. The person who gave it to me said it was on sale and that someday he was certain I would have a home with a dishwasher. I’m positive that one could be worked into Jeff Foxworthy’s routine.
We are often told that the best gifts are the really expensive ones, such as diamonds for our wives or girlfriends or the new car with the big red bow. In actuality though, it’s not the diamonds or the cars that make Christmas special. It’s being with your family and loved ones, celebrating the reason for the holiday together. Like the Grinch, we need to take time to realize Christmas doesn’t come from a store.
When I think back on past Christmas celebrations, I think of my parents, grandparents, brothers and their families, and my own children. Many of those people are no longer here. Instead of being sad, however, I choose to be happy that I had those experiences and have always tried to enjoy each Christmas for what it was, and most especially enjoy those I am around. Enjoy your time, because all too soon this one, too, will be just a memory.
Merry Christmas.
Randy Gibson is the CEO of RDG Communications Group, LLC, and the former director of the Tahlequah Area Chamber of Commerce and the Texas State Rifle Association.