God. Family. Country. For me, they all intertwine. My family, for me, is the most important thing on earth. Money is nice. Things are nice. Acknowledgement is nice. All of those things pale in comparison to the importance of my family.
My wife, Terry Ann, is truly a gift sent straight to me from God. She is everything I asked Him for, even down to the specifics. I think of myself as the most blessed, fortunate and luckiest guy on the earth.
My daughters are true angels. Growing up, I always wanted someday to have daughters. When I was very young, under 10, I remember telling my mom I wanted a little girl someday and I was going to name her Wendy. Wendy was Peter Pan’s girlfriend, and Casper’s girlfriend’s name was Wendy. I always liked the name Wendy. Sleeping Beauty was my favorite Disney prince and princess story. When Aurora was born she was indeed my Sleeping Beauty. My grandson, Luka, is going to be something special. He is a true miracle and we express thanks to God for him every day.
My grandparents, parents and brothers are all gone now. They were each awesome and I loved all of them. They each had their special talents, and I learned special traits from all of them. Each of them helped make me into the person I am today.
Our expended family, nieces, nephews, cousins, aunts and uncles are all very close. To me, the family is the most important unit on earth. Our faith teaches that we have the opportunity to be with our families forever. I love that thought. Heaven could not be heaven to me without my family. Families are forever. RDG