Randy D Gibson

My Mind * My World

Kindness Should Be The New Normal

With the onslaught of COVID-19, the world has seen what may become a new normal of life in many aspects. Restaurants are offering delivery and curbside service. Stores are offering special hours for senior citizens and those who are more vulnerable to catching this particular disease. Neighbors are checking on neighbors, and many younger family members are checking and caring for older family and friends.

Oh there are still the panic-driven lost souls who have anxiety over the last package of flour or the last paper towel roll. However, overall from what I have seen there is just a little more kindness being shown.

I have been intrigued seeing numerous social media posts touting our local businesses and restaurants. People in general are helping promote smaller venues, encouraging those who need items or meals to frequent the smaller businesses more. In addition, many websites and online businesses are offering free or deeply discounted rates for services during this time. Dish Network and Amazon are offering free movies for viewing. Online educational applications are offering free lessons or educational sessions. For many, the almighty dollar is taking a backseat to care and concern for others. For me, it’s been a welcomed change.

Unfortunately, this new kindness has not been true in all aspects of our lives. After the country was attacked by terrorists on September 11, 2001, the citizens of this nation really rallied together to stand united against a common enemy. Democrats and republicans alike worked together for the benefit of all Americans.

Sadly, these past several days have not shown that same kind of unity. The viciousness between political groups has not lessened during this time of national crisis. Understand I don’t care which side of the political spectrum you are on, as we each have our freedom to choose. However, to be fair one cannot criticize the president for stopping flights from China many months ago calling him racist and today turn around and criticize him for not acting quickly enough.

Democrats and republicans in Congress worked together to offer assistance to many Americans displaced by this crisis that is not only affecting us here at home but is literally the world. On Monday, just two days ago, the help many desperately needed failed because of the ridiculous pet projects that were quickly inserted that had absolutely nothing to do with the assistance of Americans in time of need.

Like always, each side not only bickered about the amounts in the package to different groups such as airlines and other industries, but some tried to sneak in add-ons that otherwise could not be passed, such as non-citizen voting, environmental laws and more.

This is not the time to be playing partisan politics. The petty comments from both sides on social media are uncalled for anytime, and this is especially true during a national crisis. Americans not only deserve better, but we should require better behavior from those we elected to serve us.

Some ask what we can do as individuals. To start, we can stop sharing information and partaking in this bickering ourselves. Like pouring gasoline on a fire, these actions only spread the vicious contempt. In times like these we need to come together as a nation and as a world.

This crisis is temporary, and at some point the businesses and schools will reopen, people will travel, and life will become somewhat normal.

We can learn some lessons from this experience and be better prepared as families and as a nation. Hopefully we can also make kindness toward others part of the new normal as well.

Randy Gibson is the CEO of RDG Communications Group, LLC, and the former director of the Tahlequah Area Chamber of Commerce and the Texas State Rifle Association.




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