Randy D Gibson

My Mind * My World

This Is A Special Time – Use It Wisely

We are living in a very unique time. The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the entire world. Seldom in history do disasters such as this impact practically every living human being on the planet. This is one of those special circumstances. Regardless of where you live or who you are, the COVID-19 virus is impacting a part of your life and your world.

In trying to turn a negative into a positive, there are some things we can do to make this a special time, and one in which we can make our individual lives better in a post-COVID-19 world.

I recently read an article from a good friend of mine. His name is David Acheson and he is the current managing director of The Stoke Group, a digital marketing agency that does creative, contact and analytics work for companies such as Adobe, Micro Focus, and Johnson & Johnson. His article, Social Distancing: A Guide for Extroverts, was featured on the blog site of The Stoke Group (thestokegroup.com).

My friend’s article focused on what extroverts (those who thrive on social interaction with others) can do in this time of social distancing.   Many are likely having a more difficult time during these weeks of social distancing. He offered three basic tips on things for extroverts to do during this pandemic. In looking at his advice, I thought of some ways to use them wisely.

The first item in the list is to follow public health advice. For the most part, we seem to be doing a good job of that. There are those who think the laws or requirements don’t apply to them. However, at this time and in this instance, we should follow the laws of the land.

There are things we can do while we are at home and not in school or working. Think about projects that need to be done that have been put off for months or years. One in our home is the conversion of VHS home movies and photographs to digital. Others may be sorting and rearranging closets, garages and attics.   This is a way we can follow public health advice and accomplish much-needed things at home when all family members can be part of the solution.

The second item in the list was for extroverts to use their people skills. I will extend that to the introverts to step in and try to break out of their shells and try to become more comfortable in their people skills. This can be done through sharing thoughts and ideas through blog sites, article writing, texts, and video applications. I am encouraging others to write down their thoughts and experiences during this time. In another 100 years, our decedents can have an opportunity to understand how this pandemic was handled by each of us. Use video or audio recordings and privately share on digital media or publicly share on the Internet channels and genealogy sites. This will be an opportunity for you to give a first-hand account about what happened and how you got through the crisis.

The final tip is for extroverts to get in touch with their inner introvert. Along with what was mentioned above, take a moment and look at life from the other side and gain a better understanding of what they may be feeling.

Regardless of how you choose to use this time, recognize it is unique. We each need to take time to reflect and see what we can do better when this is over. This is a special time for us – use it wisely.

Randy Gibson is the CEO of RDG Communications Group, LLC, and the former director of the Tahlequah Area Chamber of Commerce and the Texas State Rifle Association. The tips mentioned in the article above were used with permission of the author.




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